Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why Asia is called the continent of extreme climate?

Among all the continent asia has different kinds of climate. Why is it so?

we have the hottest country, dryest country, most moist country, coldest country in asia..that's why it's like a fusion

all type of climate in one continent...we have country that have seasons and we have country that does not have seasons..for example japan has four seasons, but singapore does not have seasons

It is the only continent with every type of climate. Or at least thats what I remember... But I can't think of what N. America is missing, either.

Asia is the biggest continent and maybe Asia have a exotic countries.

Because Asia consists of coldest area, hottest area, rainy area ,aswellas temperate climate.

Because Asia is the biggest continent, and stretches from the Arctic to the equator and beyond like no other continent, it has the most climatic types.

asia is the mean highest continent, maybe that's the reason...

asia is called so because it ihas a mixture of climate. in each country differs in climate

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